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Aerospace States Association – 2023 Annual Meeting & Policy Summit Boulder, CO

There arises an increasing demand for advocacy, learning, and advancement with the continuous expansion of the aviation and aerospace sectors. The Aerospace States Association (ASA) comprises state lieutenant governors, governor-designated delegates, state lawmakers, representatives from territorial and tribal governments, as well as associate members hailing from aerospace enterprises, institutions, and academia, who come together for an annual gathering. The ASA unites the interests of aviation and aerospace within each state, aiming to enlighten state legislators about issues pertinent to their respective regions. It also facilitates networking opportunities that contribute to job creation and the expansion of economic development. Notably, the ASA stands as the sole organization dedicated exclusively to…

Article on Rita Honoring Dr. Sally Ride | 6.28.2023

The year 2023 commemorates the milestone achieved by Sally Ride, who, 40 years ago, made history as the first woman from the United States to journey into outer space. June 18 marks the anniversary of her groundbreaking mission aboard the space shuttle Challenger in 1983, where she shattered ceilings and broke barriers during her six-day expedition.

Born in 1951, during a time when space travel seemed like mere science fiction and women’s rights were severely limited, Sally Ride defied societal expectations by…

Indigenous Minds – STEAMS Camp | 2023

Five exceptional young minds from the White Earth Science Fair were given a remarkable opportunity to broaden their horizons at the inaugural Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Spirit (S.T.E.A.M.S.) Camp in the stunning locale of Colorado Springs. This transformative experience was made possible by the visionary sponsorship of Rita Peterson, who is a White Earth Descendant, a dedicated advocate, owner, and CEO of Caribou Thunder. Over the past decade, Rita has generously enabled over twenty promising youth from White Earth to participate in NASA’s renowned Space Camp. However, recognizing the need for a more inclusive and culturally attuned learning environment, Caribou Thunder’s team took the initiative to establish an enriching camp experience for the winners of the 2019 and 2023 White Earth Science Fairs, following the unfortunate cancellation of the 2020 event due to the global pandemic.